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BAM2020 Connecting the Dots

Usher in a More Just & Peaceful World & Ensuring the Survival of All Humanity

#WagingJustice #BuildAMovement2020 #BAM2020

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Sustainable Development

Restore Democracy

Gender Equality, Universal Health Care, and the End of AIDS

End Child Sexual Abuse and Incest

Climate Restoration & Clean Energy Transition

Climate Restoration & Clean Energy Transition

Climate Restoration & Clean Energy Transition

Hover Over to Learn the Links Between Each Pillar

Climate Restoration & Clean Energy Transition

Ensuring the Survival of All Humanity

 Pillar 1 
Pillar 2

To restore the climate we must remove carbon emissions through sustainable development.

 Pillar 1 
Pillar 3

Ending child sexual abuse and incest leads to less addiction and mental health issues, creating a higher functioning society needed to get the job done!

 Pillar 1 
Pillar 4

We need gender equality for society to function to its full potential in order to restore the climate.

 Pillar 1 
Pillar 5

If there’s no democracy there’s no humanity!

 Pillar 2 
Pillar 1

If there's no humanity then there is no development

Sustainable Development

To achieve social, economic, environmental, gender and racial justice

 Pillar 2 
Pillar 3

The global pandemic of child sexual abuse is creating huge trauma and disfunction within society, so is critical for achieving all SDG goals.

 Pillar 2 
Pillar 4

SDG number 5 is gender equality. Therefor to reach all other goals this must be a priorty.

 Pillar 2 
Pillar 5

SDG number 17 is only possible through Democracy 

 Pillar 3 
Pillar 1

Child Sexual abuse leads to addiction and mental health issues. Participating in movements is a key opportunity for healing.

 Pillar 3 
Pillar 2

SDG number 3 is Good Health and Well-Being

End Child Sexual Abuse and Incest

An estimated 25% of girls and 16% of boys experience sexual abuse before they turn 18 years old, leading to a society full of health issues.

 Pillar 3 
Pillar 4

Universal Health Care reduces financial burden of trauma induced medical problems.

 Pillar 3 
Pillar 5

Many people who have been abused end up in prison. Links to call for mass emancipation.

 Pillar 4 
Pillar 1

No humanity means no humans to care for.

 Pillar 4 
Pillar 2

The Sustainable Development goals encompass all of pillar 3

 Pillar 4 
Pillar 3

Gender Equality cannot be reached with 1/3 of women being sexually assaulted

Reducing health issues fosters a higher functioning society

Gender Equality, Universal Health Care, and the End of AIDS
 Pillar 4 
Pillar 5

A new legal framework would accelerate Gender Equality, Universal Health Care, and universal human rights issues.

 Pillar 5 
Pillar 1

If there’s no humanity there’s no democracy!

 Pillar 5 
Pillar 2

SDG number 17 is necessary to restore democracy

 Pillar 5 
Pillar 3

Emancipation and reintegration programs is critical for victims, leading to increased voter participation

 Pillar 5 
Pillar 4

If people are healthy and feel like the system is fair then they are more likely to vote.

Restoring Democracy

 To ensure fairness, freedom, and justice for all

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